Requested by Paolo Numbered Notation: 6 6 6 4 5 5 5 3 6 6 6 4 2° 2° 2° 6 4° 4° 4°…..

Requested by Ruby “O Fortuna” is a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century, part of the collection known as the…..
Numbered Notation: 4° 3° 3° 4° 3° 3° 4° 3° 3° (7°357) 7° 6° 5° 5° 4° 3° 3° 2° 1° (1°3) 2° 1°…..
Tuning should remain in standard cmaj I recommend listening to this piece as the dotted eighth-sixteenth note pairs are hard to convey in text…..
3’/ (33′)4’4’5′ (55′)4’4’3′ (33′)775 5332′ / (12′)1’1’7 (31′)2’1’13 / 21’1’2′(42′)3′ 3’4′(64′)2’2’6 61′ / (51′)77671′ 7(2’7′) / (357)3576 73576 (57)351’7 (361′)351’7 / (11′)(31′)71’2′ (22′)(42′)3’2’3′ (27)54/…..
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