6 1° 6 (5°-2) 4° 3° 4° (5°-7) 4° 3° 4° (5°-5) 4° 3° 4° (5°-3) 4° 3° 4° (5° -2° ) 4° 3°…..

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Ji Hoo’s Theme Letters: E°F°E°F° E° D°C° C° BA BE E°BE° C°BA E°BE° C°A E°F°E°F° E° D°C° C° BA BE E°BE° C°BA E°BE° A…..
Requested by Kitty Numbered Notation: (52°)(52°)(52°)(52°) (1°5)(1°5) (57)(57) (1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5) (57)(57)(57)(57)(57)(57)(57)(57) (1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5)(1°5) (52°) 5 5 5 1° 4 4 3 3 (42°) 4 4 4…..
Arranged & played by Yna’s World Numbered Notation: 5°2°3° 2°1°2°1°2°3° 656 661°1°2°3°2° 2°1°2°3°2°3° 5°5°2°2° 3°3° 656 661°1°2°3°2° 2°1°2°3°3°4°3° 563°2° 1°71°5545 561°1° 5°6°1°1°1°1°2° 51°1°1°2°1°2°5°5° 51°1°1°2°1°2°1°2°5…..
Read MoreArranged & played by kalimvibes Numbered Notation: 2°3°2°2° 771°7 55555 35 77 577 656 676 555 55 555 4 55 2°3°2°2° 71°7 55555 3577…..
Read MoreRequested by Michaiah Sims Numbered Notation: 3° 4° 5° 5° 5° 6° 5° 2° 2° 4° 3° 1° 2° 3° 3° 3° 4° 3°…..
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