Can’t Help Falling In Love (1°1) 3 5 1° (5°3) 5 7 5 (1°3)5 7 5 (1°3) 2° 3° (4°4) 6 1° 6 (3°1)…..

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Can’t Help Falling In Love (1°1) 3 5 1° (5°3) 5 7 5 (1°3)5 7 5 (1°3) 2° 3° (4°4) 6 1° 6 (3°1)…..
Arranged & played by jxo Tuning: 7° = 6#° 3°° = 5#° Numbered Notation: (62°4°) 3° (2°4°) (5°3°) (2°4°) 3° (72°) (3°6) (3°6°)(3°6°) 6°…..
Arranged & played by Eshei Carmeli Artist: Jimmy Bondoc , Michael Pangilinan Mood: Dramatic Kalimba Brand: Kimi Rainbow Acrylic
Arranged & played by Angeline Umali 1°1°2°3 6°5°3° 1°2°3°2°1°76 – I°ll hold the door, please come in and just sit here for a while…..
Requested by Ft Numbered Notation: 5 1° 7 1° 2° 6 2° 1° 7 6 7 1° 5 1° 7 1° 2° 6 2°…..
Read MoreArranged & played by Brix R Numbered Notation: (61) (72) (2°2) (2°2) 1° 7 7 1 2° (61) (72) (2°2) 1° 7 6 5…..
Read MoreRequested by Georgia Numbered Notation: 5 2 5 6 1° 7 1° 7 6 5 4 5 2 5 6 1° 7 1° 7…..
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