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Requested by Dylan. The evil it spread like a fever aheadIt was night when you died, my fireflyWhat could I have said to raise…..
Wadanohara’s Ocarina Ending Theme from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. Artist: Amor Kana Mood: Calm
Requested by Rachel. I’m gonna live forever in youLong as the sky and oceans are blueI’ll always love you, and I’ll never stopI’ll always…..
Made by me using Keylimba (because i dont have one) and my Acoustic guitar for reference This what tune its look like Lowes Note…..
Read MoreRe-tuning: B4/7 –> B♭ There is a single B3/.7 note, but I would replace it with the next nearest note (C4/1) rather than re-tune…..
Read MoreI apologize if some keys sound off :’) Artist: Yasunori Mitsuda
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