• Lucie Request Kalimba Tab: Je trouve cette musique magnifique. Je l’ai entendu pour la première fois il y a quelques années et j’avais été… Feb 17, 00:01
  • rustytoenails 💜Happy Birthday Grimace! [EASY]: Tabs will be posted soon is when? Feb 16, 19:49
  • Veronika Request Kalimba Tab: The song is special for me because of its association with my dad, who has been dead for 2 years.… Feb 15, 21:34
  • kiz Request Kalimba Tab: pls make rat dance meme Feb 15, 03:15
  • Shianne T. Request Kalimba Tab: This song is very special to me, I would really appreciate if you did a tutorial on it <3 It… Feb 15, 02:54

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Birds of Feather (EASY) - (4,042 Views)

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Requested by Lisa
I want you to stay
‘Til I’m in the grave
‘Til I rot away, dead and buried
‘Til I’m in the casket you carry
If you go, I’m going too, uh
‘Cause it was always you, alright
And if I’m turning blue, please don’t save me
Nothing left to lose without my baby
Birds of a feather, we should stick together, I know
I said I’d never think I wasn’t better alone
Can’t change the weather, might not be forever
But if it’s forever, it’s even better
And I don’t know what I’m crying for
I don’t think I could love you more
It might not be long, but baby, I
I’ll love you ’til the day that I die
‘Til the day that I die
‘Til the light leaves my eyes
‘Til the day that I die
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  • Billie Eilish
  • Bright

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How To Read The Tabs

Letter Notes C D E F G A B
Number Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-A dot above a musical note (ex: 1째 2째째) raises it to a higher octave.
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).
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