Song Facts: Origins date back to 17th century France Also known as “Are You Sleeping” or “Brother John” One of the most well-known children’s…..

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Song Facts: Origins date back to 17th century France Also known as “Are You Sleeping” or “Brother John” One of the most well-known children’s…..
Requested by Growlber. Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf einDu gähnst schon, komm, kuschel dich einIch sing dir noch ein LiedIch freu mich so, dass…..
Arranged and played by Anja Maja G C· E· D· C· B A G D· F· E· D· C· A G G· G· F·…..
Read MoreTune your kalimba to G-major: change the F key to F#, change the F° key to F°# C C°-B-C°-G° G° B B A G-A-F-G-A-B…..
Read MoreRequested by Fifi [Tabs + Lyrics] English Sleep a while, little one 3 6 1° (361°3°) 3 6 6° 3° 2° (361°) 3 6…..
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