• ayakashiiii Request Kalimba Tab: Hello! I really wanted to learn two songs from Natsume Yuujinchou’s OST, because it’s my favorite anime and it means… Jan 25, 02:48
  • dorsal fin Request Kalimba Tab: This song holds a lot of really wonderful memories between me and my friend who lives across the globe. We… Jan 24, 00:06
  • Sara Request Kalimba Tab: Hei! I would like you to help me with the tabs to the song Eatni by Sami band Gabba. I… Jan 23, 16:00
  • Ossie Request Kalimba Tab: Been listening to this song ever since middle school, it just gives me this ethereal feeling… I feel like some… Jan 23, 13:45
  • Rachel Request Kalimba Tab: Can someone make tabs of even when I’m not from the wild robot? I read the book when I was… Jan 23, 02:06

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You Learn – Alanis Morissette (EASY) - (96 Views)

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I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone

Yeah, oh

I recommend walking around naked in your living room


Swallow it down (What a jagged little pill)

It feels so good (Swimming in your stomach)

Wait until the dust settles

You live, you learn

You love, you learn

You cry, you learn

You lose, you learn

You bleed, you learn

You scream you learn

I recommend biting off more than you can chew to anyone

I certainly do

I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at any time

Feel free

Throw it down (The caution blocks you from the wind)

Hold it up (To the rays)

You wait and see when the smoke clears

You live, you learn

You love, you learn

You cry, you learn

You lose, you learn

You bleed, you learn

You scream, you learn

  • Alanis Morissette
  • Calm

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How To Read The Tabs

Letter Notes C D E F G A B
Number Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-A dot above a musical note (ex: 1째 2째째) raises it to a higher octave.
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).
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