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▶ "~" : Pause or rest
▶ "(123)" : Play notes together or slide
▶ Single-click a Note: Set playback start point
▶ Double-click a Note: Start playback immediately
▶ Magic Wand : Remove chords
▶ Transpose : Change tab key
▶ Format : Switch between number, letter, or piano notation
▶ Octave : Adjust octave up or down
▶ Break : Improve tab readability
▶ "(123)" : Play notes together or slide
▶ Single-click a Note: Set playback start point
▶ Double-click a Note: Start playback immediately
▶ Magic Wand : Remove chords
▶ Transpose : Change tab key
▶ Format : Switch between number, letter, or piano notation
▶ Octave : Adjust octave up or down
▶ Break : Improve tab readability
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*Use the buttons below to transpose notes, change the notation format, adjust the octave level, and modify the reading style.
BPM: | Time: | Kalimba: | Key:
BPM: | Time: | Kalimba: | Key:
Your eyes grow wide at my dazzling entrance
And your heart’s beating faster, OK
There’s no point fighting back so why not come and join the march of the fools moving on wards
Cheering and applause that will never ceases to amaze me
I hear the song growing louder and louder
Fill up the nebula
COME ON LAUGH, hey kick and break ya
Shining bright in this galaxy, ch-cheers
Change the game with a single action
Trust in me and I’ll show you all! Ch-Cheers
Hey, You only live once, so I live as I want!
Living up from your wildest dreams
All the cards in my hand will show them that it’s our turn
Changing this crazy world, I’m going all in!
A vast universe brimming with dreams and hopes but who will stay alive and remain standing through it all?
Now, don’t you want- want to know?
Caught within rules without rules
A single bird decided to soar free
I hear the song growing louder and louder
Fill up the nebula
COME ON LAUGH, hey kick and break ya
Shining bright in this galaxy, ch-cheers
Change the game with a single action
Trust in me, I’ll show you all! Ch-Cheers
Hey, You only live once, so I live as I want!
Living up from your wildest dreams
All the cards in my hand will show them that it’s our turn
Changing this crazy world, I’m going all in!
- Alien Stage
- Exuberent
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Tools: Tab Converter | Tuner | Sticker| Windsong Lyre Converter
Tools: Tab Converter | Tuner | Sticker| Windsong Lyre Converter
How To Read The Tabs
SOLFEGE | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI |
Letter Notes | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
Number Notes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).