• Kita Cita Request Kalimba Tab: I would love to play this song for my family it is so beautiful! Feb 12, 02:38
  • Luna Request Kalimba Tab: I love this song it’s so good and I’d love to be able to play it Feb 11, 23:07
  • Rishita Routray Request Kalimba Tab: This song will perfectly fit for kalimba tabs. Feb 11, 13:07
  • Lyly Request Kalimba Tab: This is my favorite song Feb 11, 11:31
  • Pebrozo10 Request Kalimba Tab: Quero para presentear, minha mãe tocando a música no aniversário dela. Tem que ser fácil. Feb 10, 03:14

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🖊️ Doki Doki Forever! – OR3O (MMD) - (1,241 Views)

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Requested by Johanna
[Tabs + Lyrics]
1° 1° 1° 1°
5 6 6 6
5 6 1° 1° 1°
5 4 4 1° 5
5 2° 1°

5° 3°
1° 2° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 3° 6
5 6 1°
5° 3° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 3° 2° 2° 1°
5 6 1°
5° 3°
1° 2° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 3° 6
5 5 6 1°
5° 3°
1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1°
(61°3°) 5° 3° 2° 1°
6 1° 2° 1° (61°3°6°) 5° 3° 1° 5° 2°
5 6 1° 2° 1° (61°3°6°) 5° 3° 5° 1°
6 6 1° 3° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1° 6 5 6 1° 1°
(61°3°6°) 5° 3° 2° 1°
6 1° 2° 1° (61°3°6°) 5° 3° 1° 5° 2°
5 6 1° 2° 1° (61°3°6°) 5° 3° 5° 1°
6 6 1° 3° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1° 6 5 6 1°

Doki Doki!
Hey hey!My heart’s beating when I’m hanging out with you!
Why does my heart ache, When I hear you feel the same way too?
Just like a sundae,It’s sweet every time I teach you something new!Is this by chance,Or fate?Whenever it’s just me and you?(E-Eh! Don’t get the wrong idea!)
When we touch, it’ll never be enoughIs it way too much if you had to choose just one of us?
Tell me, tell me, please!Is this what I think,Or is it just me?Don’t wake me up from this sweet little dream!Where we’ll be together foreverWe’re never gonna be apart!
  • MMD
  • Funky
  • Virtual Kalimba Synthesia

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How To Read The Tabs

Letter Notes C D E F G A B
Number Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-A dot above a musical note (ex: 1째 2째째) raises it to a higher octave.
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).
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