• Vix Request Kalimba Tab: Last time I requested it was the wrong link lol Feb 19, 01:04
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ivy – Taylor Swift - (322 Views)

711x7hStsJS._UF10001000_QL80_ ivy - Taylor Swift
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3’ 1’ 1’ 2’
How’s one to know

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2′ 3’ 1’ (1’3) 1’
I’d meet you where the spir-it meets the bones

5 5 1’ 1’ 1’ 3 3 2
in a faith-for-got-ten la-nd?

3’ 1’ 1’ 2’
In from the snow,

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2′ 3’ 1’ (1’3) 1’
your touch brought forth an in-can-des-cent glow,

1’ 1’ 1’ 3 3 2
tar-nished but so gra-nd.

5 5 1’ 5 5 (1’3) 5 5 1’ 4 3 1
And the old wid-ow goes to the stone ev-’ry day,

5 5 1’ 5 4 3 4 3 1
but I don’t. I just sit here and wait,

1 1 1 1 3 2
griev-ing for the liv-ing.

5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Oh, oh,

3’ 3’

2’ 2’ 2’ (2’2) 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 1’ 6 5
my pain fits in the palm of your freez-ing hand

1’ 1’ (1’3) 5 1’ 1’ (1’5) 1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’
tak-ing mine, but it’s been prom-ised to an-oth-er.


3’ 3’
I can’t

2’ 2’ (2’2) 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’5) 1’ 6 5
stop you put-ing roots in my dream-land.

5 7 1’ (1’3) 5 7 1’ (1’3)
My house of stone, your i-vy grows,

1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’ 6 1’ 2′ 3′ 2′
and now I’m cov-ered in you.

3’ (1’3) 1’ 2’
I wish to know

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2’ 3’ (2’2) 1’ 2’
the fa-tal flaw that makes you long to be

5 1’ 1’ (1’3) 3 3 2
mag-nif-i-cent-ly cursed.

3’ (1’3) 1’ 2’
He’s in the room;

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2’ 3’ 2’ 1’ 1’
your o-pal eyes are all I wish to see.

5 (1’3) 1’ 1’ 3 (31) 2
He wants what’s on-ly yours.

5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Oh, oh,

3’ 3’

2’ (2’4) 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 1’ 6 5
my pain fits in the palm of your freez-ing hand

1’ 1’ (1’3) 5 1’ 1’ (1’3) 1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’
tak-ing mine, but it’s been prom-ised to an-oth-er.


3’ 3’
I can’t

(2’4) 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 6 5
stop you put-ting roots in my dream-land.

5 7 1’ (1’3) 5 7 1’ (1’3)
My house of stone, your i-vy grows,

1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1′
and now I’m cov-ered.

(61) 1’ 1’ 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Clov-er blooms in the fields.

(61) 1’ 1’ 5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Spring breaks loose, the time is near.

2’ 2’ 2’ (2’4) 2’ 2’ 3’ 5 (53)
What would he do if he found us out?

(61) 1’ 1’ 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Cres-cent moon, coast is clear.

(61) 1’ 1’ 5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Spring breaks loose, but so does fear.

2’ 2’ 2’ (2’4) 2’ 3’ 5 5 (53)
He’s gon-na burn this house to the ground.

3’ (1’3) 1’ 2’
How’s one to know

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2’ 3’ (2’2) 1’ 2’
I’d live and die for mo-ments that we stole

5 1’ 1’ (1’3) 3 3 2
on begged and bor-rowed time?

3’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 2’
So tell me to run,

5 2’ 2’ (2’2) 2’ 2’ 3’ (2’2) 1’ 1’
or dare to sit and watch what we’ll be-come,

5 (1’3) 1’ 1’ 3 (31) 2
and drink my hus-band’s wine.

5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Oh, oh,

3’ 3’

2’ (2’4) 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 1’ 6 5
my pain fits in the palm of your freez-ing hand

1’ 1’ (1’3) 5 1’ 1’ (1’3) 1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’
tak-ing mine, but it’s been prom-ised to an-oth-er.


3’ 3’
I can’t

(2’4) 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ (1’3) 1’ 6 5
stop you put-ting roots in my dream-land.

5 7 1’ (1’3) 5 7 1’ (1’3)
My house of stone, your i-vy grows,

1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’ 6 (1’3) 2′ 3′ 2′
and now I’m cov-ered in you.

1’ 1’ 1’ (3’5) 1’ 6 (1’3) 5 4 3 4 2
And now I’m cov-ered in you.

1’ (3’1’5) 5 5 (3’1)
So yeah, it’s a fire.

5 5 (3’1’5) 3’ 3’ 3’ 2’ (2’6)
It’s a god-damn blaze in the dark,

1’ (3’1’5) 2’ 1’ (1’3)
and you start-ed it.

(3’1′) 7 7 (1’5)
You start-ed it.

5 (3’1’5) 5 5 (3’1’)
So, yeah, it’s a war.

5 5 (3’1’5) 3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ (2’6) 1’ 3’ 2’ 1’ (1’5)
It’s the god-damn fight of my life, and you start-ed it.

(3’1′) 7 7 (1’6)
You start-ed it.

5 6 1’ (3’1’5)
Oh, oh,

3′ 3′
I can’t

(2’4) 2′ 2′ 1′ (2’4) 2′ 3′ (1’3) 1′ 6 5
stop you put-ting roots in my dream-land.

5 7 1′ (1’3) 5 7 1′ (1’3)
My house of stone, your i-vy grows,

1′ 1′ 1′ 3′ 1′
and now I’m cov-ered

6 1′ 2′ 3′ 2′
in you,

1’ 5’ 4’ 3’ 4’ 3’ 2’ 1’
in you.

  • Taylor Swift
  • Calm
  • Chill Angels

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How To Read The Tabs

Letter Notes C D E F G A B
Number Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-A dot above a musical note (ex: 1째 2째째) raises it to a higher octave.
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).
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