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G° F° E° (FAC°E°) E° E° D° (FAC°)
I’m headed straight for the floor
D° G°F°E° (CEGE°) E° D° C° C°° B°
The alcohol served its tour
C° G° F° E° (FAC°E°) A E° D° (FAC°)
And it’s headed straight for my skin
G° F° E° (CEGE°) E° (DGBD°) C°
Leaving me daft and d——im
G° F° E° (FAC°E°) A E° D° (D°°FAC°)
I’ve got this shake in my legs
G° F° E° E°(CEG) C° E° D° C° C°° B°
Shaking the thoughts from my head
E° G° F° E° E°(FAC°) C° E° F° (FAC°)
But who put these waves in the door?
G° F° E° (CEGE°) D°E° D(GBD°)
I crack and out I pour
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° A
I’m Mr. Lov——erman
C° E° C° E° (CEGD°) C° G
And I miss my lov——er, man
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° F
I’m Mr. Lov— — er man
B G B G D° (CEGD°) C°
Oh, and I miss my lov——er
C° G° F° E° F° (FAC°) A F° (FAC°)
The ways in which you talk to me
B C° E° D° B° C° (CEG)
Have me wishin’ I were gone
D° G° F° E° (FAC) A F° (FAC°)
The ways that you say my name
G° G° G° F° F° G° (CEGE°)
Have me runnin’ on and on
D° C° B
C° D° B° C° G°
Oh, I’m cramping up
C° B C° G° F° (CEGE°) E° D° B
I’m cramping u——p
A D° B C° G°
But you’re cracking up
C° B C° (FAC°E°°)
You’re cracking up
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° A
I’m M r. Lov——erman
C° E° C° E° (CEGD°) C° G
And I miss my lov——er, man
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° F
I’m M r. Lov——erman
B G B G D° (CEGD°) C° B
Oh, and I miss my lov——er
G° (FAC°F°) E° B G° F° E° G
I’ve shat——tered now, I’m spilling out
B C° E° D°BC°B A
U pon this li no le um ground
G° (F°AF°D°) E° G° E° D° C° F°
I’m reel——ing in my brain a gain
E° (E°CEG) G° E° (DGBD°) C° B C°
Be——fore it can get back to you
C° B E F E° C° D° C° B (CEG)
Oh what am I supposed to do without you?
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° A
I’m Mr. Lov——erman
C° E° C° E° (CEGD°) C° G
And I miss my lov——er, man
E° C°E° (FAC° D°) C° F
I’m Mr. Lov——erman
B G B G D° (CEGD°) C°
Oh, and I miss my lov——er
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C° A
I’m Mr. Lov——erman
C° E° C° E° (CEGD°) C° G
And I miss my lov——er, man
E° C°E° (FAC°D°) C°F G° A°
I’m Mr. Lov——er m a n
G C° G D° (CEGD°) C°
And I miss my lov—— er
- Ricky Montgomery
How To Read The Tabs
SOLFEGE | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI |
Letter Notes | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
Number Notes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).