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(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
Wise men once said, “Wild winds
5 (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’1)
are death to the can-dle.”
6 (66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
A rose by an-y oth-er
(2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’1)
name is a scan-dal.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
Cau-tions is-isued, he stood
(2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) 1’ (1’1)
shoot-ing the mes-sen-gers.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6 (3’1’5) 2’ (2’6) 1’ 6
They tried to warn him a-bout her.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
Cross your thought-less heart,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
on-ly liq-uor a-noints you.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
She’s the al-ba-tross,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
she is here to de-stroy you.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
Wise men once said, “One bad
(2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’1)
seed kills the gar-den.”
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
One less tempt-ress, one less
(2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’1)
dag-ger to shar-pen.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5)
Locked me up in tow-ers,
3’ 3’ (2’7) 2’ 2’ 1’ (1’5)
but I’d vis-it in your dreams.
6 3’ (3’1’5) 3’ 3’ 2’ (2’6) 1’ 6
And they tried to warn you a-bout me.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
Cross your thought-less heart,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
on-ly liq-uor a-noints you.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
She’s the al-ba-tross,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
she is here to de-stroy you.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
Dev-ils that you know
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
raise worse hell than a stran-ger.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
She’s the death you chose;
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
you’re in ter-ri-ble dan-ger.
5 (51) 5 (1’35) 2’ (1’35) (752) 5
And when that sky rains fire on you
1’ (1’6) 1’ (1’35) 1’ (1’35) (3’1’5) (2’7) 1’ 7 6
and you’re per-so-na non gra-ta,
1’ (1’6) 1’ (1’35) 2’ (1’35) (75) (52)
I’ll tell you how I’ve been there too
(1’6) 1’ (1’35) 1’ (1’35) (3’1’) (2’7)
and that none of it mat-ters.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
Wise men once read fake news
(2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
and they be-lieved it.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5. (44.) (3’1’5) 4.
Jack-als raised their hack-les,
1’ (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5)
you could-n’t con-ceive it.
(66.) (3’1’5) 6. (55.) (3’1’5) 5.
You were sleep-ing
(3’1’) 3’ 3’ 3’ (3’1’5) 2’ (2’6) 1’ (1’5)
sound-ly when they dragged you from your bed.
6 (3’1’5) 3’ 3’ 3’ 2’ (2’6) (1’5) (2’6) 1’ 6
And I tried to warn you a-bout them.
1’ 1’ (5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
So I crossed my thought-less heart,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’46) 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ (1’35)
spread my wings like a par-a-chute.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
I’m the al-ba-tross,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’46) (1’35)
I swept in at the res-cue.
1’ (5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
The dev-il that you know
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’46) (1’35)
looks now more like an an-gel.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
I’m the life you chose
1’ (4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’6) 2’ 2’ (2’46) (1’35) 2’ 3’ (2’7) 1’ 7 (66.)
and all this ter-ri-ble dan-ger,
6 (2’46) 2’ 2’ (2’46) (1’35) 2’ 3’ (2’7) 1’ 7 (66.)
this ter-ri-ble dan-ger.
1’ (2’6) (1’5) (3’57) (75) (1’6)
So cross your thought-less heart.
(5’3’) (4’1’) (3’57) (2’7) (1’6)
She’s the al-ba-tross,
(4’2’6) (3’1’) (2’46) 2’ 2’ (2’46) (1’63)
she is here to de-stroy you.
- Taylor Swift
- Chill Angels
How To Read The Tabs
SOLFEGE | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI |
Letter Notes | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
Number Notes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).