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6 3’ (2’6) 1
The “Who’s Who”
(61) 3’ 2’ 2
of “Who’s That?”
(61) 3’ (2’2) 1
is poised for
(61) 3’ 2’ 2
the at-tack,
6 3’ 1 2’ (1’1) 6 3’ (2’46)
but my bare hands paved their paths.
(1’1) 1’
You don’t
(3’3) 1’
get to
(72) 7
tell me
3’ 7 (641)
a-bout “sad.”
(2’1) 1’ 4’ (4’1) 4’ 1 (3’3)
If you want-ed me dead,
(1’1) 7 7 5’ (72)
you should-’ve just said.
5’ (5’5) (74)
Noth-ing makes
1’ 7
me feel
1’ 6 (72)
more a-live.
1’ 1’ (5’1) 1’ 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’1) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ (61)
So I leap from the gal-lows and I lev-i-tate down your street,
(5’1) 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’1) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ 1’ 1
crash the par-ty like a rec-ord scratch as I scream.
3’’ 2’’ 2’’
Who’s a-fraid
(5’7) 2’’ 1’’ 2’’ (2’’4’) (1’’1’) (6’4’1’)
of lit-tle old me?
4 4 (31)
You should be.
6 3’ (2’6) 1
The scan-dal
(61) 3’ 2’ 2
was con-tained.
(61) 3’ (2’2) 1
The bul-let
(61) 3’ 2’ 2
had just grazed.
6 3’ 1 2’ (1’1) 6 3’ (2’46)
At all costs, keep your good name.
(1’1) 1’
You don’t
(3’3) 1’
get to
(72) 7
tell me
3’ 7 (641)
you feel bad.
1’ (2’1) 1’ 4’ (4’1) 4’ 1 (3’3)
Is it a won-der I broke?
(1’1) 7 7 5’ (72)
Let’s hear one more joke.
(5’5) 5’ (1’1) (2’7) 3’ 2’ 3’ 2’ 1’ (2’7)
Then we could all just laugh un-til I cry.
1’ 1’ (5’13) 1’ 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’13) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ (641)
So I leap from the gal-lows and I lev-i-tate down your street,
(5’1) 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’1) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ (1’35)
crash the par-ty like a rec-ord scratch as I scream.
(3’1’5) (2’7) (2’7) 1
Who’s afraid
1’ (2’7) 1’ (2’7) (2’2) (1’1) (641)
of lit-tle old me?
1’ (1’1) 5’ 1 1’ (1’1) 7 7 1’ 1’ 5’ (5’5) 1’ 7 1’ (641)
I was tame, I was gen-tle till the cir-cus life made me mean.
5’ (1’1) 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’5) 1’
“Don’t you wor-ry folks, we took out
7 1’ (1’35)
all her teeth.”
(3’’1’’) (2’’7’) (2’’7’)
Who’s a-fraid
5’ (2’’7’) 1’’ 2’’ (2’’2’) (1’’1’) (6’4’1’)
of lit-tle old me?
(4’4) 4’ 4’ (3’3)
Well, you should be,
5 (3’5) (2’2)
you should be,
5 (2’46) (2’2) 1’ (61) 2
you should be.
6 (4’4) 3’ (5’5) 1 5 (3’5) (2’ 72) (1’1) 7 1
You should be, you should be,
6 (2’2) (2’24)
you should be.
(3’3) 3’ 3’ (3’3) (2’2) 2’ 1’ 2’ 1’ (2’2) 6
So tell me ev-’ry-thing is not a-bout me.
6 (1’1) 2’ 3’ (3’3)
But what if it is?
(3’3) 3’ 3’ (3’3) (2’2) 2’ 2’ 1’ (2’2) 6
Then say they did-n’t do it to hurt me.
6 (1’1) 2’ 3’ (3’3)
But what if they did?
3’ (2’2) 3’ (61) 1’ (2’4) 3’ (61) 1’ (2’7) (2’7) (2’7) (1’6) (2’7) (61)
I want to snarl and show you just how dis-turbed this has made me.
(3’3) (2’2) (3’3) 6 1’ (2’4) (3’3) 6 1’ (2’7) (2’7) (2’7) (1’6) (2’7) (61)
You would-n’t last an hour in the a-sy-lum where they raised me.
3’ (2’2) 3’ (61) 1’ (2’4) 3’ (61) 1’ (2’7) (2’7) (2’7) (1’6) (2’7) (61)
So all you kids can sneak in-to my house with all the cob-webs.
3’ 2’ (3’3) 6 1’ 2’ (3’3) 6
I’m al-ways drunk on my own tears.
1’ (2’7) (2’7) (2’7) (1’6) (2’7) (61)
Is-n’t that what they all said?
(1’1) 1’ (3’5) 1’
That I’ll sue you
3’ 1’ (2’2)
if you step
2’ 3’ (2’4) 1’ (61) 1’
on my lawn.
1’ 5 (3’5) 5
That I’m fear-some
3’ 1’ (2’2) 5
and I’m wretch-ed
2′ 3’ (2’46) 1’ (61) 1’
and I’m wrong.
1’ 7 1’ (5’5) 1’ 7 7 1 5 (51) 4 (641)
Put nar-cot-ics in-to all of my songs,
7 7 (1’35)
and that’s why
1’ 1’ (5’5) 5’ (3’3) (6’1’)
you’re still sing-ing a-long.
1’ 1’ (5’13) 1’ 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’13) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ (641)
So I leap from the gal-lows and I lev-i-tate down your street,
(5’1) 1’ 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’1) 5’ 1’ 7 1’ 1’
crash the par-ty like a rec-ord scratch as I scream.
(3’1’5) (2’7) (2’7) 1
Who’s afraid
1’ (2’7) 1’ (2’7) (2’2) (1’1) (641)
of lit-tle old me?
1’ (1’1) 5’ 1 1’ (1’1) 7 7 1’ 1’ 5’ (5’5) 1’ 7 1’ (641)
I was tame, I was gen-tle till the cir-cus life made me mean.
5’ (1’1) 7 7 1’ 1’ (5’5) 1’
“Don’t you wor-ry folks, we took out
7 1’ (1’135)
all her teeth.”
(3’’1’’) (2’’7’) (2’’7’)
Who’s a-fraid
5’ (2’’7’) 1’’ 2’’ (2’’2’) (1’’1’) (6’4’1’)
of lit-tle old me?
(4’4) 4’ 4’ (3’3)
Well, you should be,
5 (3’5) (2’2)
you should be,
5 (2’46) (2’2) 1’ (61) (3’3)
you should be.
5 5 (4’61’) (3’1’5) 1
‘Cause you lured me
5 5 (3’5) (2’7) 1
and you hurt me
5 5 (2’46) 2’ 2
and you taught me.
1’ (4’6) 3’ (5’5) 1’ 1’ 1’ (2’7) (3’3)
You caged me and then you called me
2’ 3’
5 (4’4) (3’1’5) 1
I am what
5 3’ (2’7) 1
I am ‘cause
5 (2’7) (2’46)
you trained me.
1’ (3’5) 1
So who’s
1’ (2’7) 1
7 (1’1) 7 (641)
of me?
1’ (4’4) (3’3) (5’5) 1 1’ (2’7)
So who’s a-fraid
1’ 3’ 2’ 2’ (2’7) 1’ (641)
of lit-tle old me?
(3’5) 2’ 2’ 2
Who’s a-fraid
1’ (2’7) 1’ 2’ (2’4) 1’ (641)
of lit-tle old me?
- Taylor Swift
- Dark
- Chill Angels
How To Read The Tabs
SOLFEGE | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI |
Letter Notes | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
Number Notes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).