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Down Bad – Taylor Swift - (266 Views)

https___images.genius.com_060181ac1b325992184cbe693e0318e1.1000x1000x1-1-1200x1200-1 Down Bad - Taylor Swift
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3’ 3’ (5’3’) 5’ 1’’ 1’’ (2’7)
Did you real-ly beam me up

3’ 5’ (5’3’) 1’’ 1’’ 1’’ (2’7)
in a cloud of spar-kling dust

3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ (3’5) 2’ 2’ 2’
just to do ex-per-i-ments on?

2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 7 7
Tell me I was the cho-sen one?

2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 1’ (1’35)
Show me that this world is big-ger than us,

5 2’ 2’ (2’7) 2’ 1’ 2’ (3’5) 1’
then sent me back where I came from?

3’ 5’ (5’3′) 1’’ 1’’ 1’’ (3’5) 2’ 1’
For a mo-ment I knew cos-mic love.

5 5 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Now I’m down bad, cry-ing at the gym.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
Ev-’ry-thing comes out teen-age pet-u-lance.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just die,

1’ 1’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
it would make no dif-fer-ence.

2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Down bad, wak-ing up in blood.

1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Star-ing at the sky;

2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
come back and pick me up.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have us.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just not get up,

3’ 1’ 1’ (2’7) 2’
I might stay down bad.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

(2’7) 2’
Down bad.

1’ 2’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

3’ 3’ (5’3′) 5’ 1’’ 1’’ (2’7)
Did you take all my old clothes

3’ (5’3) 5’ 1’’ 1’’ 3’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 1’
just to leave me here, na-ked and a-lone,

3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ (3’1’) 2’ 2’
in a field in my same old town

2’ 2’ 2’ (2’7) 2’ 2’ 7 7
that some-how seems so hol-low, now?

2’ 2’ 2’ (2’7) 2’ 2’ (2’7) 1’ 1’
They’ll say I’m nuts if I talk a-bout

5 5 (4’6) 2’ 3’ 1’
the ex-is-tence of you.

3’ (5’3′) 5’ 1’’ 1’’ 1’’ (3’5) 2’ 1’
For a mo-ment I was heav-en struck.

5 5 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Now I’m down bad, cry-ing at the gym.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
Ev-’ry-thing comes out teen-age pet-u-lance.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just die,

1’ 1’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
it would make no dif-fer-ence.

2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Down bad, wak-ing up in blood.

1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Star-ing at the sky;

2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
come back and pick me up.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have us.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just not get up,

3’ 1’ 1’ (2’7) 2’
I might stay down bad,

(4’6) 3’ 1’ 5 5
like I lost my twin.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ (2’7) 1’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him, down bad.

2’ 2’ (4’6) 3’ 1’ 5 5
Down bad, wav-ing at the ship.

1’ 2’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

3’ 3’ 3’ (5’3′) 5’ 5’ 2’ 2’
I loved your hos-tile take-o-vers,

2’ 2’ 2’ 4’ (4’6) 3’ 1’ 1’
en-count-ers clos-er and clos-er,

5 5 5 4’ (4’6) 3’ 1’ 1’
all your in-de-cent ex-po-sures.

5 5 5 3’ 1’ 3’
How dare you say that it’s…

(3’1′) 3’ 3’ 3’ (5’3′)
I’ll build you a fort

5’ (5’3′) 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 4’ (4’6) 3’ 1’ 1’
on some plan-et where they can all un-der-stand it.

5 5 5 (4’6) 4’ 3’ 1’ 1’
How dar you think it’s ro-man-tic,

5 5 (4’6) 4’ (3’5) 1’ 1’
leav-ing me safe and strand-ed?

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
‘Cause f**k it, I was in love.

1’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 5
So f**k you if I can’t have us.

1’’ 2’’ 2’’ 2’’ 1’’ 1’’
Fuck it, I was in love.

5 5 (2’7) 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Now I’m down bad, cry-ing at the gym.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
Ev-’ry-thing comes out teen-age pet-u-lance.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just die,

1’ 1’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
it would make no dif-fer-ence.

(2’7) 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Down bad, wak-ing up in blood.

1’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Star-ing at the sky;

2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ 2’
come back and pick me up.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have us.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’
I might just not get up,

3’ 1’ 1’ (2’7) 2’
I might stay down bad,

(4’6) 3’ 1’ 5 5
like I lost my twin.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’ (2’7) 1’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him, down bad.

2’ 2’ (4’6) 3’ 1’ 5 5
Down bad, wav-ing at the ship.

1’ 2’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ 1’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

(4’6) 3’ (1’3) 5 5
Like I lost my twin.

1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 2’
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

2’ 2’ 4’ (3’5) 1’ 5 5
Down bad, wav-ing at the ship.

1’ 2’ 2’ (3’5) 1’ 1’ (531)
Fuck it, if I can’t have him.

  • Taylor Swift
  • Angry
  • Chill Angels

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How To Read The Tabs

Letter Notes C D E F G A B
Number Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-A dot above a musical note (ex: 1째 2째째) raises it to a higher octave.
-Notes inside a parentheses (ex: (135) ) are played together (slide/glissando)
-The tabs/notes posted on this site are designed to be played on kalimba, but you can also play it on other instruments like: piano ,flute, recorder, ocarina , glockenspiel, clarinet, xylophone, otamatone, and etc. Simply use our online kalimba tab converter to convert the tabs/notes to SOLFEGE (do re mi) or letter notation (C D E).
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